Babak Fortress - Iran Tourist Attractions

Babak Fortress

Accessing Babak Fortress requires bravery and physical strength. Located at an elevation of 2300 to 2600 meters and surrounded by deep valleys, this fortress was initially built as a defensive stronghold during conflicts between the Khurramites and the Abbasids.

For those intimidated by heights, it’s recommended to admire this historic and beautiful fortress from a distance. However, for an adventurous experience, reaching the highest points of the fortress demands greater athletic abilities and courage.

Babak Fortress is a significant historical site in East Azerbaijan Province, offering stunning views of the mountains and nature. The best visiting times are from late April to early June and from September to October. Springtime in this area is particularly scenic.

This historical fortress, also known as the Republic Fortress or Baz Fortress, is 13 kilometers from the city of Kaleybar. Constructed during the Sassanian era, it became the stronghold of Babak Khorramdin who led the people against the Abbasid invaders for 20 years. The fortress, built on a mountain at an elevation of 2300 meters, is accessed via a challenging path through the mountains.

Although reaching the fortress requires effort, the journey through the lush nature of Azerbaijan and the cool spring water found en route is rewarding. Hidden among towering mountains and foggy hills, the fortress is further beautified by the pristine Arasbaran forests. In summer, visitors can encounter the tents of the Shahsevan tribe, offering a glimpse into the breathtaking natural scenery. After reaching the top, one can understand the difficulty of conquering this fortress. An hour’s distance away is the Aynaloo tourist area, where one might spot wild deer and goats.

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