Discover the Best Eco-Lodges in Iran

In recent years, the facilities for traveling around the world have improved significantly, and Iran is no exception. This article introduces you to some of the best eco-lodges in Iran, ensuring a comfortable stay during your travels. The popularity of eco-lodges in Iran has increased dramatically, attracting not only local tourists but also visitors from abroad. These lodges offer a unique opportunity to experience diverse cultures within the country. Here, we present some of the best eco-lodges in Iran.

What you will read in this article:

1. What is an eco-lodge and why should I stay in one?

An eco-lodge is a type of accommodation designed to have minimal environmental impact and often emphasizes sustainable living and cultural experiences. Staying in an eco-lodge allows you to experience local culture, enjoy nature, and support eco-friendly practices.

Yes, many eco-lodges in Iran are family-friendly and offer activities suitable for all ages. For example, Nartitee Eco-Lodge in Yazd provides a peaceful retreat with cultural festivities, and Dorna Nomadic Eco-Camp offers activities like cycling and horseback riding.

Cultural experiences vary but may include traditional cooking classes, local crafts workshops, music performances, and guided tours of the area. For example, at Naqleh House in Kashan, guests can bake bread with hosts and enjoy local dishes.

Yes, many eco-lodges welcome international travelers and offer information in English. Hosts are often very accommodating and eager to share their culture with visitors from abroad.

Absolutely. Eco-lodges often organize activities such as hiking, cycling, horseback riding, and local tours. For instance, Chamgah Eco-Lodge in Ramsar is near attractions like Dalikhani Forest and Siyah-Sarat Waterfall, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.

FAQs about Eco-Lodges in Iran

Gileboom Eco-Lodge

Located in the picturesque village of Qasemabad in Gilan province, Gileboom is one of Iran’s most beautiful eco-lodges. This stunning lodge was established by three creative young individuals who aimed to introduce visitors to the culture and customs of the local people. The lodge, with its mud walls, wood-burning stoves, and the aroma of local cuisine, takes you back to the traditional lifestyle of Gilan.

Noghli House

In the historical city of Kashan, Noghli House stands out for its rich architectural heritage. Dating back 150 years to the Qajar era, this cozy house features inner and outer courtyards, a wind tower, and a cellar. It offers a truly authentic experience, serving local dishes in earthenware pots and allowing guests to bake bread with the hosts. Spending a night under the stars on the rooftop is a must-try.

Nartitee Eco-Lodge

Named after the beautiful pomegranate blossoms, Nartitee is a popular eco-lodge in Yazd. This historical house belonged to a Zoroastrian family and now offers a peaceful retreat. The lodge is designed in a traditional style, with guests sleeping on mattresses rather than beds. Visitors can join local festivities and savor traditional dishes in the cozy restaurant.

Tikish Eco-Lodge

Located in the picturesque village of Tikish in Tonekabon, Mazandaran, Tikish Eco-Lodge offers a charming wooden house with a lush garden. The balconies overlook green landscapes, providing a perfect setting for relaxation. Nearby attractions include the Two Thousand Forest, Agouz Forest, and Falakdeh Hot Spring.

Nurkhaneh Eco-Lodge

Situated in the heart of the desert in Semnan province, Nurkhaneh is a restored traditional adobe house that once served as a school. Host Monireh Khanom ensures a warm and hospitable stay. The best times to visit are in late autumn or early spring when the weather is mild.

Dorna Nomadic Eco-Camp

Located in Meshginshahr, Dorna Nomadic Eco-Camp offers a unique opportunity to experience nomadic life. Set in the lush Malek Suei region, the camp features traditional nomadic tents. Guests can enjoy activities like cycling and horseback riding, making it an exciting and immersive experience.


Whether you choose the lush landscapes of Gilan, the historical charm of Kashan, or the desert tranquility of Semnan, Iran’s eco-lodges offer a unique and enriching travel experience. These eco-lodges not only provide comfortable accommodations but also a chance to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions. So, for your next trip, consider staying at one of these beautiful eco-lodges and creating unforgettable memories.

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