Complete Guide for Preparing Your Trip to Iran

Traveling to Iran is an exciting adventure filled with cultural richness, historical treasures, and stunning landscapes. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip, being well-prepared is essential. Here’s the ultimate travel checklist to help you plan your journey to Iran.

What you will read in this article:

1. Travel Documents and Visas


  • Validity: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned stay.


  • Tourist Visa: Apply for an Iranian visa online (e-Visa) or at an Iranian consulate. Some nationalities can obtain a Visa on Arrival (VOA) at major airports.
  • Documents Needed: Passport photos, a copy of your passport, travel insurance, and a completed visa application form.
  • Tips: Apply for your visa well in advance to avoid delays.

Travel Insurance

  • Requirement: Mandatory for obtaining a visa. Ensure it covers health, accidents, and emergencies.

2. Health and Safety


  • Recommendations: Check with your healthcare provider for recommended vaccinations (e.g., Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid).
  • Medication: Bring a sufficient supply of prescription medications and a copy of your prescriptions.

Health Kit

  • Essentials: Include items like pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medication, band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any personal medications.

Emergency Contacts

  • List: Have a list of emergency contacts, including your country’s embassy or consulate in Iran.

3. Money Matters


  • Local Currency: Iranian Rial (IRR). Familiarize yourself with the exchange rates.
  • Cash: Iran is a cash-based economy. Bring enough money in US dollars or euros to exchange locally.
  • Tips: Use official exchange offices or banks for currency exchange.

Credit and Debit Cards

  • Usage: International credit and debit cards are not widely accepted. Consider getting a local prepaid travel card.

4. Clothing and Packing


  • Dress Code: Respect the local dress code. Women must cover their hair, wear long sleeves, and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Men should avoid shorts.
  • Comfortable Shoes: Essential for walking and exploring sites.


  • Scarf: For women, to cover their hair.
  • Layers: Pack layers for varying temperatures, especially if traveling between regions.
  • Swimwear: Modest swimwear for women (burkini) if you plan to visit the Caspian Sea or Kish Island.


  • Sunglasses and Hat: Protection from the sun.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Stay hydrated while traveling.

5. Technology and Communication


  • Adapters: Iran uses type C and F plugs. Bring a universal adapter.
  • Chargers: For all your electronic devices.

Mobile Phone

  • SIM Card: Purchase a local SIM card upon arrival for affordable data and calls. Major providers include Irancell and MCI.
  • Apps: Download useful apps like Snapp (ride-hailing), Google Translate, and Maps.

Power Bank

  • Essentials: Ensure you have a portable charger for your devices, especially during long day trips.

6. Accommodation and Transport


  • Booking: Reserve hotels or guesthouses in advance, especially in peak travel seasons.
  • Confirmation: Keep copies of booking confirmations.


  • Intercity Travel: Plan and book domestic flights, train, or bus tickets in advance.
  • Local Transport: Use ride-hailing apps like Snapp for convenient travel within cities.

7. Cultural Etiquette

Respect Local Customs

  • Behavior: Be respectful of Islamic customs and traditions. Public displays of affection are frowned upon.
  • Language: Learn basic Persian phrases to enhance your travel experience.


  • Small Gifts: Consider bringing small gifts from your home country as a token of appreciation for your hosts.

8. Sightseeing and Activities


  • Itinerary: Plan your itinerary. Include must-visit sites like Persepolis, Naqsh-e Jahan Square, and the Golestan Palace.
  • Guides: Consider hiring local guides for a richer experience.

Tickets and Entry Fees

  • Advance Booking: For popular attractions, check if booking is required.
  • Student Discounts: Carry a student ID if applicable for potential discounts.

9. Food and Drink

Dining Out

  • Local Cuisine: Don’t miss out on trying Persian dishes like kebabs, stews, and fresh bread.
  • Restaurants: Research family-friendly and reputable restaurants.

Water Safety

  • Bottled Water: Drink bottled or boiled water to avoid stomach issues.

10. Personal Items

Travel Documents

  • Copies: Keep photocopies of your passport, visa, travel insurance, and emergency contacts.
  • Safe Storage: Use a money belt or a safe place to store important documents.


  • Convenience: For day trips and carrying essentials.

11. Miscellaneous


  • Document Your Trip: For notes, itineraries, or personal reflections.


  • Travel Snacks: Bring some non-perishable snacks for long journeys or day trips.


Traveling to Iran can be a richly rewarding experience if you are well-prepared. This checklist covers essential aspects of planning and packing for your trip. With careful preparation, you can enjoy the cultural, historical, and natural beauty of Iran to the fullest. Safe travels!

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