How to Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Visit to Iran

Visiting Iran can be a rewarding and memorable experience, offering rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it’s essential to be aware of local customs, laws, and safety practices. Here are some travel safety tips for visiting Iran:

What you will read in this article:

1. Before You Go

Check Travel Advisories

  • Government Advisories: Check travel advisories from your government or reputable sources for the latest information on safety and security in Iran.
  • Registration: Register with your embassy or consulate in Iran if your country provides this service.

Health Preparations

  • Vaccinations: Consult your healthcare provider about recommended vaccinations for Iran.
  • Medical Kit: Pack a basic medical kit, including prescription medications, pain relievers, antiseptics, and any personal medical supplies.

Travel Insurance

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Ensure your travel insurance covers medical emergencies, accidents, trip cancellations, and theft.

2. Legal and Cultural Considerations

Dress Code

  • Modest Clothing: Women must cover their hair with a scarf, wear long sleeves, and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Men should avoid wearing shorts.
  • Respectful Attire: Wear modest clothing that covers shoulders and knees when visiting religious sites.

Alcohol and Drugs

  • Prohibition: Alcohol and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited in Iran. Violations can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment.

Public Behavior

  • Modesty: Public displays of affection are frowned upon. Behave modestly and respect local customs.
  • Photography: Be cautious when taking photos. Avoid photographing government buildings, military sites, and people without permission.

3. Communication and Connectivity

Mobile Phones

  • SIM Cards: Purchase a local SIM card upon arrival for affordable data and calls. Major providers include Irancell and MCI.
  • Apps: Download useful apps such as Snapp (ride-hailing), Google Translate, and Maps.

Internet Access

  • VPN: Consider using a VPN to access restricted websites and protect your online privacy.

4. Money and Valuables


  • Cash Economy: Iran is largely a cash-based economy. Bring enough US dollars or euros to exchange locally.
  • Exchange Rates: Use official exchange offices or banks for currency exchange.

Credit and Debit Cards

  • Usage: International credit and debit cards are not widely accepted. Consider getting a local prepaid travel card.

Protecting Valuables

  • Secure Storage: Use hotel safes to store valuables, and carry only essential items when exploring.
  • Discreet Carrying: Keep money and valuables in a discreet, secure place like a money belt.

5. Transportation Safety

Local Transport

  • Taxis: Use reputable taxi services or ride-hailing apps like Snapp for safe and reliable transportation.
  • Public Transport: Metro systems in Tehran and Mashhad are generally safe and efficient.

Road Safety

  • Driving: Traffic in Iran can be chaotic. If you rent a car, drive defensively and be aware of local driving habits.
  • Seat Belts: Always wear seat belts and ensure any hired vehicle is well-maintained.

6. Personal Safety

Stay Alert

  • Awareness: Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places like bazaars and public transport.
  • Avoid Protests: Steer clear of political demonstrations or large gatherings.

Emergency Contacts

  • Embassy Information: Keep contact information for your country’s embassy or consulate in Iran.
  • Local Contacts: Have contact numbers for local authorities and your hotel or accommodation.

7. Health and Hygiene

Water and Food Safety

  • Safe Drinking Water: Drink bottled or boiled water to avoid stomach issues.
  • Food Hygiene: Eat at reputable restaurants and avoid street food if you have a sensitive stomach.

Climate Considerations

  • Weather: Be prepared for varying weather conditions. Iran can be extremely hot in summer and cold in winter.
  • Sun Protection: Use sunscreen, wear a hat, and stay hydrated, especially when visiting desert areas.

8. Respect Local Culture

Religious Sensitivity

  • Respect: Show respect for local customs and religious practices. Remove shoes when entering mosques and dress appropriately.
  • Greetings: Learn a few basic Persian (Farsi) phrases. Greetings like “Salam” (hello) and “Merci” (thank you) are appreciated.


  • Politeness: Be polite and respectful in your interactions with locals. Iranians are known for their hospitality and kindness.


Traveling to Iran can be a safe and enriching experience if you are well-prepared and mindful of local customs and regulations. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy Iran’s rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality while ensuring a smooth and secure trip.

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