Dhow Building Workshops - Iran Tourist Attractions

Dhow Building Workshops

The Goran Dhow (Lenj)  Building Workshop is a notable attraction on Qeshm Island, often referred to as a living museum.

The unique and indigenous art of dhow building is a special aspect of Qeshm’s local industry. Traditional dhows are a crucial element of maritime transport in the region.

A dhow is essentially a small ship or a large cargo and passenger boat operating in the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman, and the Indian Ocean. The term “dhow” in the southern language means to glide, a name given due to the slow and graceful movement of these boats in the water. The primary industry of dhow building in Iran is centered in the port of Kong in Hormozgan Province. Dhows from Qeshm are also sent there for repairs, but this art can also be observed and visited in the village of Goran.

A master craftsman carries the three-dimensional blueprint of the dhow solely in their mind, without drawing any illustrated or formal plans on paper. This astonishing aspect of traditional dhow construction captivates anyone who witnesses the magnificence of these vessels. A skilled master craftsman, relying on memory, experience, literacy, and intelligence, guides young workers in the construction of a dhow.

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