Maharloo Salt Lake - Iran Tourist Attractions

Maharloo Salt Lake

The remarkable aspect of this lake is its pink color. In mid-summer, the lake turns red due to high evaporation and salt concentration, which leads to the formation of algae creating a pink-colored lake. The blend of white salt and the lake’s red color creates a magical harmony for both local and foreign tourists. The lake is a safe haven for birds, especially flamingos.

Maharloo Lake is located 37 kilometers from Shiraz on the road to Fasa, near a village of the same name. After visiting the lake, you can also visit the nearby village of Maharloo, filled with almond, fig, and pomegranate trees. The best time to visit the lake is from mid-autumn to mid-spring, as the depth of the lake reaches 1 to 3 meters after the rains begin.

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