Passing through Del Lut

From Kerman to Zabol

If you are in the city of Kerman or reached that city during your journey, you can take the route from Kerman to Zabol. This route will give you a different experience in the heart of the desert from the center to the east of Iran.

5 Days

Kerman  Shahdad  Nehbandan  Zabol

Day 1: Kerman

Our journey starts in Kerman, a city rich in historical and cultural heritage. We’ll explore the Ganj Ali Khan Complex, the Zoroastrian Fire Temple, the Fathabad Garden, and the Jabaliyeh Dome, dedicating a full day to Kerman’s treasures. This exploration sets the tone for our adventure, immersing us in the region’s deep history and architectural beauty before we continue to Shahdad the next morning.

Day 2: Kerman to Shahdad

The route from Kerman to Shahdad, approximately a hundred kilometers, introduces us to the edge of the Lut Desert. En route, we’ll pass by the village of Sirach, a popular summer retreat. Upon reaching Shahdad, we encounter the awe-inspiring kaluts, a natural phenomenon offering an unforgettable experience under the starlit desert sky. Several tourist resorts in Shahdad provide comfortable accommodations for the night.

Day 3: Shahdad to Nehbandan

Preparing for a journey across the desert, we embark on the scenic route from Shahdad to Nehbandan. This route, cutting through the desert’s heart, presents the stunning sight of sand pyramids, appealing to those fascinated by unique geological formations. Our aim is to arrive in Nehbandan by sunset, marking the end of a day filled with natural wonders.

Day 4: Nehbandan

In Nehbandan, the day begins with local explorations, including tasting and purchasing regional specialties such as jujubes, dates, pistachios, saffron, and barberry, alongside beautifully crafted ornamental stones. Visiting active felt workshops offers a glimpse into the traditional crafts still preserved in the region.

Day 5: Zabol

Our journey continues towards Zabol, a city less than 200 km from Nehbandan, nestled near Iran’s eastern borders. The region’s highlights include Khajeh Sistan Mountain and Dost Muhammad Lake, encapsulating the area’s natural beauty. A visit to Hamoon Lake precedes our restful stay in Zabol, providing a serene conclusion to our exploration of Iran’s diverse landscapes and cultural heritage.

What plans or ideas do you have for your itinerary?

Tell us about the sort of itinerary you have in mind. In particular, places you want to visit, the accommodation you have in mind, activities you would like to do, and any special interests you have (e.g., temples, local history, wildlife, etc.). The more information you provide, the better.

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